SCTA News – December 29, 2024
The SCTA Spring Lottery
The SCTA spring 2025 season starts Jan 13 and runs through May 25. This season will include BBTL’s USTA leagues for 55+/70+ and 65+/75+.
The lottery will be held Jan 9 at Hidden Cypress @ 6 pm. Information is available on our website: Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Lottery Guidelines & Seasonal Leagues. You can request a lottery registration file and/or identify a desire to captain a USTA team from that page, or from the Forms page (Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign-Up Forms), or by clicking below. – Steve Sandike
Spring 2025 Lottery Form Request
Ice Ice Baby!
The Community Association will be installing an ice machine at the Logo Building after the New Year. This is an SCTA approved budget item for 2025. The CA will acquire the ice machine and will install it at no charge. SCTA will then reimburse the CA for the cost of the machine. The drinking fountain will be removed and may be repurposed. Another example of the SCTA and the CA working together!
p.s. Yes, I had to watch the music video after I wrote this! Michael Ryan
It’s Time to Sign Up for the Rookie League Spring 2025
The Spring 2025 season for the Rookie League begins on Sunday, January 12, 2025 and will end on Sunday, May 4, 2025. The League plays every Sunday afternoon 12 Noon to 2 PM on the North side tennis courts (13, 14, and 15). Scheduled players are expected to arrive at the courts at 11:45 AM. We play two (2) complete sets each week.
Rookie League welcomes new tennis players and players who are returning to tennis and feel they need to “warm up” and “re-learn some of the rules and procedures” for the game of tennis.
Rookie League is open to all players whose rating is 2.5 or under. The league does divide into teams, but the primary purpose is to provide a low competition environment in which to learn and observe the rules and regulations, but mostly to gain experience and have FUN! Players are encouraged to be supportive of each other (regardless of differences in play). Captains and the Coordinator are available each week to encourage all players and provide information.
Participating in Rookie League is a great way to meet new tennis friends! And if you know others who you believe would like to participate, please let them know!
Please contact Donna Baumwell, Rookie League Coordinator before the end of December to register. Call me at 843-707-1946 or email me at
SCTA Membership Directories
Updated membership directories will come out in 2025. They will include addresses. This is what the vast majority of our members want. There is not an option of having a listing without an address. If you do NOT want to have any listing at all, please contact Michael Sacks at
Ratings in the online Membership Directory.
The online Membership Directory has been updated with USTA’s 2024 year end ratings. While this work was done carefully, it is possible that mistakes occurred. Please check your rating in the online directory to make sure you agree with it. Here is a link to the directory:
Online SCTA Membership Directory
These are rules that were used to apply the USTA ratings:
- If you have a USTA C (or A) Rating and a Club Rating, the higher rating of the two has been used.
- If you have a USTA C (or A) Rating and a Club Rating at the same level, the USTA Rating has been used.
- If your USTA rating has expired, your rating has been set to Self-Rated at the same level. i.e. if you had a 3.0 USTA C rating that expired, your rating has been set to 3.0 Self-Rated.
Effective Jan 1, 2025 SCTA’s new ratings policy goes into effect. Members who are Self-Rated or USTA S Rated will not qualify to play in SCTA competitive events. Even if you are not USTA rated, it might be worthwhile to visit the link above and check your rating.
If you disagree with the rating, please contact Michael Sacks Don’t contact him if the rating is accurate but you think you deserve a different rating.
The SCTA Spring Lottery
The SCTA spring 2025 season starts Jan 13 and runs through May 25. This season will include BBTL’s USTA leagues for 55+/70+ and 65+/75+.
The lottery will be held Jan 9 at Hidden Cypress @ 6 pm. Information is available on our website: Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Lottery Guidelines & Seasonal Leagues. You can request a lottery registration file and/or identify a desire to captain a USTA team from that page, or from the Forms page (Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign-Up Forms), or by clicking below. – Steve Sandike
Spring 2025 Lottery Form Request
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
2025 Mix and Match Tournament
Mark your calendars because the dates are set. The Mix and Match Tournament kickoff party will be on Monday April 21, 2025. The tournament itself will run from April 24 through April 27. Do not miss this one.
Court Closures for Maintenance
Court closures for Top Dressing are ongoing. Some social groups and intraclub courts have been changed, as the Community Association takes down 2 courts for 2 days on a rolling basis through the end of December. Check the monthly schedules on the web page for details.
(Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Court Schedules > Monthly Schedule)
The Next SCTA Board Meeting
Check this out! It has been confirmed! Dane Petchul will be holding lessons in the back corner of the room. Book your three minute private lesson early people. Martha Widgen, to finish her career as Treasurer, will be signing copies of her new book “How to Balance Your Checkbook, and Other Fun Senior Activities.” Tyler will be bringing his air guitar and will be taking requests (heavy metal only).
The next board meeting is on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00 pm in the Bayside Room at the Lakehouse. It will fill up fast!
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Ideas, Suggestions and Criticisms
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – December 22, 2024
Bucket Brigade and the Community Association Working Together for You!
A big THANK YOU to the indefatigable, inexorable, incomparable SCTA Volunteer of the Year – Chris Scott – and a couple of board members, for working with the CA’s Common Area Maintenance group to provide a process for disposing of court materials.
A complaint by a disgruntled member had resulted in the forced stopping of the Bucket Brigade’s necessary work to maintain our wonderful courts. This had the potential not just to harm our courts, but could have resulted in vastly increased expenses for the SCTA and/or the CA.
Janie Parrish, Director of Common Area Maintenance, informed the SCTA that the CA will create a structure behind the dumpster at courts 5-6. This area will be used to collect excess Har-Tru, leaves, sticks, and other court material. There will also be a sign indicating that this area is only to be used by the Bucket Brigade. The CA will remove the material when we inform them it needs to be cleaned out. The process will start after the CA has completed their work, sometime after the holidays.
Janie Parrish acknowledged the Bucket Brigade’s contributions to the community are far too important for the CA not to take immediate action to resolve the issue. On behalf of the Community Association, Janie extended her thanks and gratitude to the Bucket Brigade. And we, the SCTA, thank Janie for her cooperation and assistance.
The relationship between the SCTA and the CA is better and stronger than ever.
Ice Ice Baby!
The Community Association will be installing an ice machine at the Logo Building after the New Year. This is an SCTA approved budget item for 2025. The CA will acquire the ice machine and will install it at no charge. SCTA will then reimburse the CA for the cost of the machine. The drinking fountain will be removed and may be repurposed. Another example of the SCTA and the CA working together!
p.s. Yes, I had to watch the music video after I wrote this! Michael Ryan
SCTA Sport Gear has arrived.
Please stop by the picnic tables near the Logo building to pick up your items at one of the dates and times listed below:
Sunday, December 22: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday, December 23: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 – 2:30 pm
An additional pickup time for early January will be announced at a later date. – Christina Bloxsom
It’s Time to Sign Up for the Rookie League Spring 2025
The Spring 2025 season for the Rookie League begins on Sunday, January 12, 2025 and will end on Sunday, May 4, 2025. The League plays every Sunday afternoon 12 Noon to 2 PM on the North side tennis courts (13, 14, and 15). Scheduled players are expected to arrive at the courts at 11:45 AM. We play two (2) complete sets each week.
Rookie League welcomes new tennis players and players who are returning to tennis and feel they need to “warm up” and “re-learn some of the rules and procedures” for the game of tennis.
Rookie League is open to all players whose rating is 2.5 or under. The league does divide into teams, but the primary purpose is to provide a low competition environment in which to learn and observe the rules and regulations, but mostly to gain experience and have FUN! Players are encouraged to be supportive of each other (regardless of differences in play). Captains and the Coordinator are available each week to encourage all players and provide information.
Participating in Rookie League is a great way to meet new tennis friends! And if you know others who you believe would like to participate, please let them know!
Please contact Donna Baumwell, Rookie League Coordinator before the end of December to register. Call me at 843-707-1946 or email me at
SCTA Membership Directories
Updated membership directories will come out in 2025. They will include addresses. This is what the vast majority of our members want. There is not an option of having a listing without an address. If you do NOT want to have any listing at all, please contact Michael Sacks at
Ratings in the online Membership Directory.
The online Membership Directory has been updated with USTA’s 2024 year end ratings. While this work was done carefully, it is possible that mistakes occurred. Please check your rating in the online directory to make sure you agree with it. Here is a link to the directory:
Online SCTA Membership Directory
These are rules that were used to apply the USTA ratings:
- If you have a USTA C (or A) Rating and a Club Rating, the higher rating of the two has been used.
- If you have a USTA C (or A) Rating and a Club Rating at the same level, the USTA Rating has been used.
- If your USTA rating has expired, your rating has been set to Self-Rated at the same level. i.e. if you had a 3.0 USTA C rating that expired, your rating has been set to 3.0 Self-Rated.
Effective Jan 1, 2025 SCTA’s new ratings policy goes into effect. Members who are Self-Rated or USTA S Rated will not qualify to play in SCTA competitive events. Even if you are not USTA rated, it might be worthwhile to visit the link above and check your rating.
If you disagree with the rating, please contact Michael Sacks Don’t contact him if the rating is accurate but you think you deserve a different rating.
The SCTA Spring Lottery
The SCTA spring 2025 season starts Jan 13 and runs through May 25. This season will include BBTL’s USTA leagues for 55+/70+ and 65+/75+.
The lottery will be held Jan 9 at Hidden Cypress @ 6 pm. Information is available on our website: Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Lottery Guidelines & Seasonal Leagues. You can request a lottery registration file and/or identify a desire to captain a USTA team from that page, or from the Forms page (Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign-Up Forms), or by clicking below. – Steve Sandike
Spring 2025 Lottery Form Request
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
2025 Mix and Match Tournament
Mark your calendars because the dates are set. The Mix and Match Tournament kickoff party will be on Monday April 21, 2025. The tournament itself will run from April 24 through April 27. Do not miss this one.
Court Closures for Maintenance
Court closures for Top Dressing are ongoing. Some social groups and intraclub courts have been changed, as the Community Association takes down 2 courts for 2 days on a rolling basis through the end of December. Check the monthly schedules on the web page for details.
(Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Court Schedules > Monthly Schedule)
The Next SCTA Board Meeting
Check this out! It has been confirmed! Dane Petchul will be holding lessons in the back corner of the room. Book your three minute private lesson early people. Martha Widgen, to finish her career as Treasurer, will be signing copies of her new book “How to Balance Your Checkbook, and Other Fun Senior Activities.” Tyler will be bringing his air guitar and will be taking requests (heavy metal only).
The next board meeting is on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00 pm in the Bayside Room at the Lakehouse. It will fill up fast!
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.”
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Ideas, Suggestions and Criticisms
Please forward your thoughts to
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – December 7, 2024
SCTA Membership Directories
Updated membership directories will come out in 2025. They will include addresses. This is what the vast majority of our members want. There is not an option of having a listing without an address. If you do NOT want to have any listing at all, please contact Michael Sacks at
CPR Training Class
On Thursday January 30, 2025 the SCTA will host a CPR Class with representatives from the Bluffton Fire Department. The class will be at 1:00 in the Pinckney Ballroom. Space is limited, so if you want to attend, please send an email to Carolyn Walton at ASAP.
The SCTA Spring Lottery
The SCTA spring 2025 season starts Jan 13 and runs through May 25. This season will include BBTL’s USTA leagues for 55+/70+ and 65+/75+.
The lottery will be held Jan 9 at Hidden Cypress @ 6 pm. Information is available on our website: Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Lottery Guidelines & Seasonal Leagues. You can request a lottery registration file and/or identify a desire to captain a USTA team from that page, or from the Forms page (Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign-Up Forms), or by clicking below. – Steve Sandike
Spring 2025 Lottery Form Request
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
2025 Mix and Match Tournament
Mark your calendars because the dates are set. The Mix and Match Tournament kick off party will be on Monday April 21, 2025. The tournament itself will run from April 24 through April 27. Do not miss this one.
Need a Few Volunteers for the Lottery
I am looking for volunteers to learn parts of the lottery and seasonal schedule preparation tasks. There are four of five different parts to this job, three times per year. It would be a good idea to develop some expertise in any or all of these tasks. See attached for a description of the work. In the short term, the spring 2025 lottery is Jan 9, at Hidden Cypress, 6pm. I could use one or two volunteers. One to check people in, and another to draw tickets and help members choose their day and time for their season courts.
Steve Sandike – 914-805-1935
3.0 Ladies Intraclub Spring Season
Sign ups for the Spring Season of Ladies IntraClub are now open. If you want to participate, please send an email to Carolyn Walton ( and let me know. I will respond with “got it”, and that means you are registered to play.
2.5 Ladies Intraclub Spring Season
Sign-ups for the Spring Season of Ladies 2.5 IntraClub are now open. If you want to participate, please send an email to Karen Eldred ( and let me know. I will send you a response with “got it,” and that means you are registered to play.
Current players who have already responded need not respond again.
3.0 Men’s Intraclub Spring Season
John Miller will be the coordinator for the 3.0 Men’s Spring Intraclub. He is currently signing up players. If you are interested please Email him at ( The deadline for signups is 12/15/2024.
Court Closures for Maintenance
No. Pipes have not frozen and burst on courts one and two. They are undergoing routine yearly maintenance.
Court closures for Top Dressing will begin during the week of Dec 2. Some social groups and intraclub courts have been changed, as the Community Association takes down 2 courts for 2 days on a rolling basis through the end of December. Check the monthly schedules on the web page for details.
(Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Court Schedules > Monthly Schedule)
The Next SCTA Board Meeting
We will hold the next board meeting on Wednesday January 8 at 6:00 pm in the Bayside Room at the Lakehouse.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Who is the youngest player ever to win a grand slam?
The first correct response to will win either some leftover lasagna made by Jannik Sinner’s mom, or two fresh, never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls (Patent Pending) Seasonal Pumpkin Spice Edition (Patent Pending). These are the last remaining cans outside of Milan, Italy, for this year.
Make sure your physician says you are healthy enough to safely open these cans. They are life altering (the previous statement has not been evaluated by the FDA, or anyone else I know).
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Ideas, Suggestions and Criticisms
Please forward your thoughts to
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – November 24, 27, 2024 Updated
The SCTA Board has established a new yearly award. It is called the SCTA Volunteer of the Year. It will be awarded to the member who went well above and beyond the call of duty in volunteering their services to the membership.
Your board is working on plans for the Wall of Fame. Chris Scott will have the first place of honor on our new wall.
Chris Scott:
Has served as a Team Captain and as a League Coordinator.
Served as President/Past President/Interim President Multiple Times.
He has made himself available time and again to offer his experience, advice, and assistance with the smooth running of our SCTA and tennis facilities.
Daily empties the trash at the courts, recycling virtually everything. This includes recycling tennis balls (total balls recycled are around 94,000 since he began the project). This costs him personally around $1000 a year. He recycles tennis cans (total cans recycled around 25,000), including the aluminum tennis can lids (this year totaling 130 pounds). Aluminum soda cans (around 900 pounds this year), and plastic bottles.
Is part of the crew that does plastic skirting and wood barricading for HarTru loss and court run off.
He developed and assisted in creating and installing new drainage areas using different sizes of rocks along the sidewalks. He worked to unclog existing drains and install new ones. He assisted in the removal of old shrubs and plants and installing new ones.
He facilitated and oversaw the installation of French drains, replacement of lawn and sprinklers, and new rock areas.
He handled communications and requests with the CA and the maintenance crews, greatly enhancing the good will between our organizations.
Chris maintained the ball machine. This involved weekly cleaning of the machine, weekly removal of and inspecting balls, and repressurizing select balls.
Chris paid for:
One large ($5000) and three small ($750) repressurizing machines.
Three cannisters of gas per year to repressurize balls $600.
The Mix and Match pros exhibition $1000.
The new speakers for our events $400.
The advertising signs for the WTO $400.
The Dinner Dance band $600
Chris works with a fantastic crew of amazing volunteers including Rick Biethman, George Walton, Gary Roy and Mike Ryan.
SCTA Board Meeting- December 4, 2024
Kiawah River Room, Pinckney Hall, 6:00 PM. Click here to view the agenda
Vote on the SCTA 2025 Budget and the New Ratings Policy
If the SCTA 2025 Budget passes, the new SCTA Board will follow it next year.
If the new Ratings Policy passes, the policy will replace the existing Ratings Policy in our P&P’s. This new Ratings Policy will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
Your board believes there are two very important factors that need to be understood:
1) We have our Intraclub coordinators busy grandfathering in players who have clearly demonstrated their proficiency at the rating level at which they play Intraclub, changing their rating from Self to Club.
The Club Doubles Championship
The SCTA Spring Lottery
Need a Few Volunteers for the Lottery
I am looking for volunteers to learn parts of the lottery and seasonal schedule preparation tasks. There are four of five different parts to this job, three times per year. It would be a good idea to develop some expertise in any or all of these tasks. See attached for a description of the work. In the short term, the spring 2025 lottery is Jan 9, at Hidden Cypress, 6pm. I could use one or two volunteers. One to check people in, and another to draw tickets and help members choose their day and time for their season courts.
Steve Sandike
Are You New-to-Tennis?
2025 Mix and Match Tournament
Public Tennis
3.0 Ladies Intraclub Spring Season
Sign ups for the Spring Season of Ladies IntraClub are now open. If you want to participate, please send an email to Carolyn Walton ( and let me know. I will respond with “got it”, and that means you are registered to play
From the Logo Building
The Next SCTA Board Meeting
With Heartfelt Sorrow
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
A true friend lifts you up when no one has noticed you have fallen.
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – November 17, 2024
Vote on the SCTA 2025 Budget and the New Ratings Policy
If the SCTA 2025 Budget passes, the new SCTA Board will follow it next year.
If the new Ratings Policy passes, the policy will replace the existing Ratings Policy in our P&P’s. This new Ratings Policy will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
Your board believes there are two very important factors that need to be understood:
1) We have our Intraclub coordinators busy grandfathering in players who have clearly demonstrated their proficiency at the rating level at which they play Intraclub, changing their rating from Self to Club.
The Club Doubles Championship
The SCTA Spring Lottery
Are You New-to-Tennis?
2025 Mix and Match Tournament
Public Tennis
3.0 Ladies Intraclub Spring Season
Sign ups for the Spring Season of Ladies IntraClub are now open. If you want to participate, please send an email to Carolyn Walton ( and let me know. I will respond with “got it”, and that means you are registered to play.
See you all on the courts!!
From the Logo Building
The Next SCTA Board Meeting
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – November 11, 2024
Vote on the SCTA 2025 Budget and the New Ratings Policy
Attached below please find the SCTA 2025 Budget and the new Ratings Policy which were explained in our general membership board meeting. The membership should review them both. On Friday November 15 you will receive an email inviting you to participate in an electronic election to vote on these two issues. In that electronic invitation both attachments will again be posted for your review. The electronic election will continue for three days, after which the election will end. The results will be made available within two days of the close of the election via Eblast and be announced at the next board meeting on December 4.
If the SCTA 2025 Budget passes, the new SCTA Board will follow it next year.
If the new Ratings Policy passes, the policy will replace the existing Ratings Policy in our P&P’s. This new Ratings Policy will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
Your board believes there are two very important factors that need to be understood:
1) We have our Intraclub coordinators busy grandfathering in players who have clearly demonstrated their proficiency at the rating level at which they play Intraclub, changing their rating from Self to Club.
2) The Board has informally begun the work to improve the Rating Clinics. Some members who attended a Rating Clinic were dissatisfied with the process. Quite a few have been interviewed. The issues of concern were virtually all the same. It is the Board’s opinion that we should work with our Sun City Tennis Professionals to improve the Rating Clinics. We believe this can be accomplished over time.
We thank you for participating in this election, and as always, for your suggestions and ideas.
The Club Doubles Championship
Yes! It has arrived. The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11 through Sunday November 17. The schedule of play will be sent out in an Eblast this evening and updated as we move through the tournament.
Tyler’s Famous Balls (Patent Pending) Italian Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Edition are on their way from the Port of Savanah in unmarked trucks accompanied by Italian Carabinieri from Milan, Italy, and led by Luigi and Giorgio (who owe me a favor from back in the day if you know what I mean). Imagine the cheers of the crowd, the marching uniformed carabinieri, the accordion band, with the smell of fresh real imitation Italian pumpkin spice (Patent Pending) in the air. I don’t know about y’all, but I want some Prosecco and pizza.
Jannik Sinner had to bow out of the Biggest Serve Competition due to difficulties with his girlfriend Anna Kalinskaya. But our own Keith Fanneron is still performing.
Updated 2024 Year End Timeline
Click here to view the attachment below of the SCTA Year End Timeline. Thank you, Michael Sacks.
In-Person Sale of SCTA Sports Apparel During Club Championship
The Women’s Tennis Organization will be taking orders of Sun City Tennis Association sports apparel during the SCTA Club Championships week. A table will be set up with examples of attire and the ability to check sizes. SCHHCA CAM card is the only accepted payment. Sales end November 17th.
We have 2 ways you can place an order:
You can print the attached order form and put it in the drop box at the Logo Building.
You can attend the Club Championship and stop at the WTO table on November 11th, 13th, 15th and 16th to complete an order form.
If you have any questions, please contact Michele Oltman at
The SCTA Spring Lottery
The SCTA spring 2025 season starts Jan 13 and runs through May 25.
This season will include BBTL’s USTA leagues for 55+/70+ and 65+/75+.
The lottery will be Jan 9 in Hidden Cypress @ 6 pm. Information is available on our website:
Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Lottery Guidelines & Seasonal Leagues
You can request a lottery registration file and/or identify a desire to captain a USTA team
from that page, or from the Forms page (Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign-Up Forms), or by clicking below. – Steve Sandike
Spring 2025 Lottery Form Request
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
3.0 Ladies Intraclub Spring Season
Sign ups for the Spring Season of Ladies IntraClub are now open. If you want to participate, please send an email to Carolyn Walton ( and let me know. I will respond with “got it”, and that means you are registered to play.
See you all on the courts!!
Bucket Brigade
SCTA members, please join me in thanking the team for their hard work at the latest Bucket Brigade muster! The net tops are shining, and the nets will all be at the proper height for the Club Championship. Windscreens are tied with ties trimmed. Player and spectator seating have been cleaned. Scoreboards were cleaned and pucks replaced. Sidewalks are swept clean. Trash and recycle cans were cleaned. Seems like coffee and doughnuts go a long way!
Team members for this muster were: Debbie Costello, Jerry Costello, Jack Kitka, George Walton, Tyler Tollstrup , Laurie Williams, Dave Campbell, Bob Russo, Peggy Russo, Carla Cords, John Mason, Stan Grabiec, Russ Johnston, Irene Randall, Robert Schwarz, Art Meeder, Warren Person, Gerry Fagan , Chris Scott, Michael Ryan, and Donna Ryan.
From the Logo Building
- The courts were closed this morning due to rain. It was posted as such on the Chelsea website. Yet there were players on the North side on the closed courts. If it is wet out, please consult the website prior to utilizing a wet court. Thank you.
- The Logo building will be closed on Thanksgiving as well as Purrysburg (after 12:00). Therefore, we have decided to keep the Ball Machine usage closed for this day.
Please See attached the Minutes and Treasurer’s Report from the Last Meeting – SCTA 2025 Budget
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.
-Italian proverb
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
It is a pleasure to serve the SCTA as its president. Thank you- Tyler
SCTA News – November 7-8, 2024 – Update
Click here to view the election results that were announced at the Wednesday Nov 6 Membership Meeting.
- President: Tyler Tollstrup
- Vice-President: Bob Durst
- Treasurer: John Bell
- Director at Large, Ambassadors: Fiona Harwood
This Eblast contains the SCTA 2025 Budget and the new Ratings Policy which were explained in our general membership board meeting last night. The membership has one week to review them both. On Friday November 15 you will receive an email inviting you to participate in an electronic election to vote on these two issues. In that electronic invitation both attachments will again be posted for your review. The electronic election will continue for three days, after which the election will end. The results will be made available within two days of the close of the election, and be announced at the next board meeting on December 4.
If the SCTA 2025 Budget passes, the new SCTA Board will follow it next year.
If the new Ratings Policy passes, the policy will replace the existing Ratings Policy in our P&P’s. This new Ratings Policy will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
The SCTA board thanks you for participating in this important election.
SCTA News – November 4, 2024
SCTA General Membership Board Meeting
The next board meeting is for the full general membership. We will need to have a quorum of members in attendance to be counted as such. Please attend to get informed, support, participate in, and be a part of your SCTA activities. It will take place Wednesday November 6 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Your board has yet to decide if a full Thanksgiving banquet will be served after the meeting for all attendees, or if a net will be raised for some impromptu round robin doubles just inside the Pinkney entrance. Perhaps both. Don’t miss it.
See the Agenda 11/6/24
SCTA Board Election Information
The election was performed electronically without a flaw and the auditors have verified the results. According to our Bylaws the results will be announced at our General Membership Board Meeting on November 6 at Pinkney Hall in the Edisto Room at 6PM. Results will also come out in an Eblast after that date. And what results!!! Such a nail biter. The stress is palpable. The ramifications are immense. You have just got to be at this meeting!!!
Annual Club Championship – Note The Improvements
The SCTA Board has approved the reconfiguration of the Club Doubles Championships into divisions based on combined partner ages. The reasons for doing this are:
- To encourage more sign-ups with the flexibility players would have to choose partners younger/older than the rigid 65 under/over division that requires both players to be in one age bracket or the other.
- When enough teams sign up, there can be two separate divisions based on combined age. Typically, that would be 6 teams or more to break into two divisions for round robin play. We could call them Senior and SuperSenior. That sounds better than “Relatively Young” and “Pretty Old.”
- Yes, you could certainly change your partner at this stage if you wanted to, but it should be done very soon.
In order to accomplish this, we need the age (or birth year) of every participant who has signed up or intends to sign up. Dudley Kay is helping to gather this information and put it into your sign-up form.
Therefore, please text, email, or call Dudley with your age or birth year. Please be sure to include your name. Dudley’s contact points are
919-414-3861 and
And yes! You heard the rumors. They’re true. A special order of Tyler’s Famous Balls (Patent Pending) Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Edition are on their way from Milan, Italy, and are expected to arrive before the tournament. Just imagine the cheers of the crowd with the smell of fresh real imitation Italian pumpkin spice in the air (Patent Pending). I don’t know about y’all, but I want some pizza.
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11 thru Sunday November 17.
See the PDF below for further information and to register.
In-Person Sale of SCTA Sports Apparel During Club Championship
The Women’s Tennis Organization will be taking orders of Sun City Tennis Association sports apparel during the SCTA Club Championships week. A table will be set up with examples of attire and the ability to check sizes. SCHHCA CAM card is the only accepted payment. Sales end November 17th.
We have 2 ways you can place an order:
You can print the attached order form and put it in the drop box at the Logo Building.
You can attend the Club Championship and stop at the WTO table on November 11th, 13th, 15th and 16th to complete an order form.
If you have any questions, please contact Michele Oltman at
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
Photo Memories
The Wall of Fame committee needs your help! Please send Michael Ryan ( pictures of the old Wall of Fame. The Committee will choose pictures to present to Community Association members to show what we could have with a new WoF. Thanks for your help!
Bucket Brigade Bonanza!
It’s getting closer! The Bucket Brigade will convene on Sunday, November 10 at 6:30 (oh dark thirty in military time). We need stuff! Cordless leaf blowers, buckets and rags (lots!), scrubby stuff, rubber gloves, and rakes. We need someone(s) with tools and skill to replace scoreboard pucks. We’ll clean the top of nets, sweep courts, blow Har-Tru off seats and walks, attach any loose windscreens, wipe down chairs and seats, and clean scoreboards and trash cans. Did I mention doughnuts and coffee?
From the Logo Building
The Logo building will be closed on Thanksgiving as well as Purrysburg (after 12:00). Therefore, we have decided to keep the Ball Machine usage closed for this day.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Thank you members for making this not only a great place to play tennis, but also to live and thrive.
The registration for this event has been extended until November 4. We have a particular need for more 4.0 women and 2.5 men. You may register without a partner and we will pair you up. Awards are being prepared for winners at all levels.
SCTA Board Election Information
The election was performed electronically without a flaw and the auditors have verified the results. According to our Bylaws the results will be announced at our General Membership Board Meeting on November 6 at Pinkney Hall in the Edisto Room at 6PM. Results will also come out in an Eblast after that date. And what results!!! Such a nail biter. The stress is palpable. The ramifications are immense. You have just got to be at this meeting!!!
Please see the attached agenda below.
Annual Club Championship – Note The Improvements
The SCTA Board has approved the reconfiguration of the Club Doubles Championships into divisions based on combined partner ages. The reasons for doing this are:
- To encourage more sign-ups with the flexibility players would have to choose partners younger/older than the rigid 65 under/over division that requires both players to be in one age bracket or the other.
- When enough teams sign up, there can be two separate divisions based on combined age. Typically, that would be 6 teams or more to break into two divisions for round robin play. We could call them Senior and SuperSenior. That sounds better than “Relatively Young” and “Pretty Old.”
- Yes, you could certainly change your partner at this stage if you wanted to, but it should be done very soon.
In order to accomplish this, we need the age (or birth year) of every participant who has signed up or intends to sign up. Dudley Kay is helping to gather this information and put it into your sign-up form.
Therefore, please text, email, or call Dudley with your age or birth year. Please be sure to include your name. Dudley’s contact points are
919-414-3861 and
And yes! You heard the rumors. They’re true. A special order of Tyler’s Famous Balls (Patent Pending) Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Edition are on their way from Milan, Italy, and are expected to arrive before the tournament. Just imagine the cheers of the crowd with the smell of fresh real imitation Italian pumpkin spice in the air (Patent Pending). I don’t know about y’all, but I want some pizza.
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11 thru Sunday November 17.
See the PDF below for further information and to register.
WTO Selling SCTA Sports Gear
Order form for SCTA Sports Apparel is now available. A variety of men’s and women’s attire will include short and long-sleeved tops/shirts for both warm and cool weather along with hats and visors in a variety of sizes and colors. SCHHCA CAM card is the only payment accepted. Ordering closes November 17th.
Three ways to place an order:
1. You can come to the SAMPLE PREVIEW located by the Logo Building on October 28- November 1 from 11:30-2:30 and complete an order form.
2. You can print the attached order form and put it in the drop box at the Logo Building.
3. You can attend the Club Championship and stop at our table on November 11th, 13th, 15th and 16th to complete an order form.
If you have any questions, please contact Michele Oltman at
Are You New-to-Tennis?
If you are new to tennis, or just getting back to tennis, the SCTA has a New-to-Tennis League. It offers players unrated or rated up to 2.5 a round robin group meeting every Tuesday on courts 13-15 at 2 pm year-round. No sign up involved. This group is available for men and women. If you have any questions, please contact the group coordinator, Linda Borovich at for more information.
Men’s 3.0 Intraclub
If you are new to Sun City or a newly rated men’s 3.0 player we have room for you and would welcome you as a sub for the Men’s 3.0 Intraclub League which plays on Thursdays at noon. You may contact Bob Durst ( or Bob Owen ( for more information or to be put on the sub list.
If the Shoe Fits, Wear It
But if it’s not the correct type, please don’t wear it on our courts. Only tennis shoes should be worn. These are shoes that have a light tread and a general herringbone pattern. Other shoes can damage our courts, such as running shoes or trainers. The heavily patterned deep tread will carve up our courts.
USTA captains, Intraclub captains, and social group leaders – please ensure correct tennis shoes are being used by your players and your opponents. We have pictures around the courts showing correct shoes. Thanks for helping keep our courts in top shape!
Photo Memories
The Wall of Fame committee needs your help! Please send Michael Ryan ( pictures of the old Wall of Fame. The Committee will choose pictures to present to Community Association members to show what we could have with a new WoF. Thanks for your help!
A Silly Request
The Logo Building has requested a note go out concerning approaching and leaving the player’s bench at the end and start of play. We all know it’s not cool to swarm the player’s bench area before your start time as they need to gather their gear and leave. We also know once you have finished play it’s cool to leave the player’s bench area and move elsewhere for chatting and having fun. So let’s all try to do both the best we can. And perhaps more importantly, let’s all be patient, loving and kind when things are not handled perfectly. Thanks so much.
Bucket Brigade Bonanza!
It’s getting closer! The Bucket Brigade will convene on Sunday, November 10 at 6:30 (oh dark thirty in military time). We need stuff! Cordless leaf blowers, buckets and rags (lots!), scrubby stuff, rubber gloves, and rakes. We need someone(s) with tools and skill to replace scoreboard pucks. We’ll clean the top of nets, sweep courts, blow Har-Tru off seats and walks, attach any loose windscreens, wipe down chairs and seats, and clean scoreboards and trash cans. Did I mention doughnuts and coffee?
If you want to join this special and well fed team, email me at Aloha!
Debbie Risk’s Husband David Passed Away
“I thank you all for reaching out and offering your condolences on behalf of David. It was a touching gesture, and I am very grateful.
There is no sufficient amount of words that could equal the generosity showed me by cards, notes, food and visits to me during my time of bereavement. Your friendship is highly valued.”- Debbie Risk
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off the Court
“In the buffet of life, friends are the dessert.”
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Thank you members for making this not only a great place to play tennis, but also to live and thrive.
SCTA News – October 6, 2024
The SCTA Board Positions
The nominating committee has presented the list of members running for various positions thus far:
- Vice President: Bob Durst
- Treasurer: John Bell
- Director at Large- Ambassadors: Rich Koncicki
- Director at Large- Ambassadors: Fiona Harwood
- Director at Large- Events: None
- The bios are attached as a single pdf.
There is still an 8 day window in which any member who wishes to run for the Board but did not submit a bio to the Nominating Committee has the opportunity to submit to the President a bio and a petition with 25 member signatures. Any member who does this will be included in the candidate slate along with the 4 people listed above.
Cindy Good has stepped up to fill the Interim Vice President position through the end of this year. She was unanimously elected by the Board. We thank her for serving the SCTA in this capacity.
Michael Sacks will retain his Director of Membership position.
Annual Club Championship
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The cheers from the crowds. The action on the courts. The cheerleader’s pom poms gyrating. The bands playing. The victory champagne popping. Maybe I’m remembering high school football.
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th.
- Registration has begun and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
- See the PDF below for info and to register.
- Sign Up for SCTA Tournament
Registration closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Get Ready for SCTA Sports Gear
The Women’s Tennis Organization will be selling Sun City Tennis Association sports gear starting October 28th through November 17th. A variety of men’s and women’s attire will include short and long-sleeved tops/shirts for both warm and cool weather. Hats and visors will also be available for purchase. Ordering will be online or in-person starting in the next couple of weeks.
What a tremendous event. A fantastic job was done by all who put on and who participated in this important and successful day. Congratulations to everyone involved.
The event occurred the day after a hurricane passed nearby leaving the courts and facilities in very poor condition. Thanks to Chris Scott and a large number of SCTA members for hours of work making this event possible. Please see their names below.
Great Thanks To Our Volunteers
The next muster for the Bucket Brigade is Sunday, November 10 at 6:30. We’ll clean nets, sweep courts, attach any loose windscreens, wipe down chairs and seats, and eat doughnuts! Let’s make the courts shine for the Club Championships! I’ll send out emails as we get closer, and keep a weather eye for a possible rain reschedule. If you would like to be part of this elite group, please email me at
The tennis racket collection for Public Tennis was a grand success. Thanks so much- JoEllen
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
The event is sold out. Any last minute sales must contact Carolyn right away.
Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is Wednesday October 9 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Please see the attached agenda below.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Who was the first tennis player to win 1,000 singles matches in the Open Era?
The first correct response to has the opportunity to receive the first cans ever of Tyler’s Famous Balls (patent pending) Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Edition. I know, I know, you’ve heard the rumors. You have most likely thought it’s not possible. Wondered if Tyler’s Famous Balls could even be improved upon. But they have arrived from our hidden warehouse in Milan, Italy, with only the finest imported Italian Pumpkin Spice Scent (Patent Pending).
2 cans. To be opened only at an outside court or very large room. Caution people! This spicy blend has been known to cause players to break out into fluent Italian, drive recklessly on autostradas, and order multiple pizzas.
Charity Tournament for Public Tennis
Here’s an opportunity to play together with your friends and teammates in a zero-pressure, pure fun tournament and to benefit Public Tennis programs in the process!
Get Ready for the Turkey Team Takedown
Gobble up your friends for a fun weekend of co-ed team tennis November 15-17th at Spring Lake Racquet Club! Teams are by level (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and open) and will be comprised of at least 3 men and 3 women. Maximum number of players per team is 10. Each round will consist of women’s doubles, men’s doubles and a mixed court. The team that wins the most games wins the round. The play format is an 8 game pro-set with substitutions at any time. It’s a flocking good time!
And that’s not all! Saturday evening, November 16th is the player party that includes dinner, a drink ticket for the Lowcountry Tap Truck and live entertainment. Football fans need not worry, we will have a game on the big screen as well!
For more information and to sign-up, take a look here: https://publictennis.
If you have any questions about how to form a team, how to register (individually or with teammates), or anything else, please contact Laura Bracken at
Thank you, – Wayne Lilley, Executive Director, Public Tennis Inc.,, 978-571-1475
PO Box 6381, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
Special Olympics Children’s Coaches Needed
Public Tennis is getting ready to launch their fall Special Olympics Tennis program at the schools. As it turns out, Special Ed class sizes are growing and two of their programs which are near to Sun City need more volunteer coaches!The first is the program for McCracken Middle School children on Mondays from 10-11AM at the Bluffton High School courts.
The second is the program at Hardeeville School on Fridays from 1-2PM.
Both programs are 6 weekly sessions, starting in the coming week. (We’ll have to hurry a little and new coaches might miss the first week because online registration and background check takes a few days).No particular experience is needed, they can train on-the-job, and coaches are welcome to work as little or much as their schedules allow.
New coaches can sign up with Wayne Lilley at email:
Are You New-to-Tennis?
Men’s 3.0 Intraclub
Amazing Tennis Stars Right Here in Sun City
Sun City is home to some of the very best tennis players in the country. Our own Bunny Jackson recently reached the finals of the world 65 and over doubles championships in Mallorca, Spain. Bunny is one of the top players in the US in her age group. Keeping in the family tradition Stewart Jackson is also a tremendous player and one of the top 65 players in the nation. The highest honor in US tennis is to win a gold ball, which is earned after winning a US championship in your age group. Together Bunny and Stewart have won 6 US championships in the husband-and-wife doubles category and have also won 3 US championships in the mixed doubles division. In fact, Bunny and Stewart have never been defeated in husband-and-wife doubles at any of the US championship events.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
The Mind is a horrible Master, but it’s a powerful Servant.
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
Thank you members for making this not only a great place to play tennis, but also to live and thrive.
In Closing
Thank you members for making this not only a great place to place tennis, but also to live and thrive.
SCTA News – September 29, 2024
The SCTA Board Positions
Chuck Hirsch has resigned as President and has moved away for wonderful family reasons. We thank him for his service.
The board unanimously elected Tyler Tollstrup as the Interim President through the end of 2024. He will be on the ballot for the 2025 President.
The board unanimously elected Michael Sacks as the Interim Vice President through the end of 2024. He will retain his position as Director of Membership during this time.
The nominating committee has presented the list of members running for various positions thus far:
- Vice President: Bob Durst
- Treasurer: John Bell
- Director at Large- Ambassadors: Rich Koncicki
- Director at Large- Ambassadors: Fiona Harwood
- Director at Large- Events: None
The bios are attached as a single pdf.
Starting today we enter a 15 day window in which any member who wishes to run for the Board but did not submit a bio to the Nominating Committee has the opportunity to submit to the President a bio and a petition with 25 member signatures. Any member who does this will be included in the candidate slate along with the 4 people listed above.
Annual Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th.
Registration has begun and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
See the PDF below for info and to register.
Registration closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
What a tremendous event. A fantastic job was done by all who put on and who participated in this important and successful day. Congratulations to everyone involved.
The event occurred the day after a hurricane passed nearby leaving the courts and facilities in very poor condition. Thanks to Chris Scott and a large number of SCTA members for hours of work making this event possible. Please see their names below.
Great Thanks To Our Volunteers
Thank you Chris Scott, Gary Roy, Cindy Good, Angela Bossu Wolfe and husband, Deb and John Campbell, Deb Kniewel, Ann Clement, Steve Sandike, Diane Clary, Jill Mosse, and Dolores Weisser. This is the crew that spent hours cleaning up after the hurricane. Their hard work permitted Tennis in the Pink to take place, and for the rest of us to enjoy our wonderful tennis club.
When you see them please thank them.
The Bucket Brigade continues to work on the south facilities. Sidewalks, rocks and drainage have all been improved around courts 6,7 and 8. Great work guys.
The next muster for the Bucket Brigade is Sunday, November 10 at 6:30. We’ll clean nets, sweep courts, attach any loose windscreens, wipe down chairs and seats, and eat doughnuts! Let’s make the courts shine for the Club Championships! I’ll send out emails as we get closer, and keep a weather eye for a possible rain reschedule. If you would like to be part of this elite group, please email me at
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
The event is sold out. Any last minute sales must contact Carolyn right away.
Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is Wednesday October 9 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Please see the attached agenda below.
Racket Donations
I’ll be collecting tennis racquets you are able to donate thru Friday 10/5 for Public Tennis. Please drop off the rackets at the logo building.
Racquets will be cleaned, regripped and restrung if needed and given to special Olympic students that may not have a racquet of their own.
Thank you- JoEllen Bitner.
Charity Tournament for Public Tennis
Here’s an opportunity to play together with your friends and teammates in a zero-pressure, pure fun tournament and to benefit Public Tennis programs in the process!
Get Ready for the Turkey Team Takedown
Gobble up your friends for a fun weekend of co-ed team tennis November 15-17th at Spring Lake Racquet Club! Teams are by level (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and open) and will be comprised of at least 3 men and 3 women. Maximum number of players per team is 10. Each round will consist of women’s doubles, men’s doubles and a mixed court. The team that wins the most games wins the round. The play format is an 8 game pro-set with substitutions at any time. It’s a flocking good time!
And that’s not all! Saturday evening, November 16th is the player party that includes dinner, a drink ticket for the Lowcountry Tap Truck and live entertainment. Football fans need not worry, we will have a game on the big screen as well!
For more information and to sign-up, take a look here: https://publictennis.
If you have any questions about how to form a team, how to register (individually or with teammates), or anything else, please contact Laura Bracken at
Thank you, – Wayne Lilley, Executive Director, Public Tennis Inc.,, 978-571-1475
PO Box 6381, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
Special Olympics Children’s Coaches Needed
Public Tennis is getting ready to launch their fall Special Olympics Tennis program at the schools. As it turns out, Special Ed class sizes are growing and two of their programs which are near to Sun City need more volunteer coaches!The first is the program for McCracken Middle School children on Mondays from 10-11AM at the Bluffton High School courts.
The second is the program at Hardeeville School on Fridays from 1-2PM.
Both programs are 6 weekly sessions, starting in the coming week. (We’ll have to hurry a little and new coaches might miss the first week because online registration and background check takes a few days).No particular experience is needed, they can train on-the-job, and coaches are welcome to work as little or much as their schedules allow.
New coaches can sign up with Wayne Lilley at email:
A Member Passed Away
Mr. Julian Shedlovsky requested we announce the death of his wife, June Taylor. She passed away Monday, Sept. 23. They moved to SCHH in 2005. She was a long-time member of the tennis association and played USTA Women’s 3.0 and mixed doubles and had so much fun playing with her friends.
The family will have a private memorial service, however something may be planned at a later date for her tennis family. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the American Heart Association would be appreciated.
In Closing
Thank you members for making this not only a great place to place tennis, but also to live and thrive.
SCTA News – September 21, 2024
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
If you have any questions you may contact anyone on the nominating committee:
Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward (
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
- Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
- Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Last Chance to register for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
WTO is hosting Tennis in the Pink on September 28th. Did you miss the registration deadline and you still want to attend? Contact Debbie Kniewel at or 201-749-6464 and ask to be put on a sub list.
World Team Tennis
WTT plays at 5:30 until all matches are finished.
Great Thanks To Our Volunteers
Today the Bucket Brigade started and completed the following project.
1: Stadium seating area between courts 6 & 7. Removed all the rocks at the end of the seating area, hauled away 7 wheel barrels of har-tru , sifted rocks and replaced. This was done 1 year ago and that’s how much har-tru flows off the courts.
2: New trench around a section of court 7 for drainage
3: Removed build up of har-tru around perimeters for courts 6 & 7
I’ll send out emails as we get closer, and keep a weather eye for a possible rain reschedule. If you would like to be part of this elite group, please email me at
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom, starting at 5 pm.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets will be on sale by court 1 next week, rather than this week.
Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at Menu:
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is Wednesday October 9 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Arrive early to make sure to get a good seat as it is the 10th Annual SCTA Board Talent Show.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
SCTA News – September 18, 2024
Chuck Hirsch
SCTA News – September 16, 2024
The SCTA election is fast approaching. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
If you have any questions you may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
- Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
- Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Last Chance to register for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
WTO is hosting Tennis in the Pink on September 28th. Registration ends September 15th. Click on the link to register:
Ribbon of honor and racquet stenciling, minimum donation of $5, will take place at the south courts on the following dates: September 10th, 12th, 14th from 11-2 and September 16th, 18th, and 20th from 10-12:30. Also during this time, WTO will be selling Light for the Cure Lanterns for a minimum donation of $10. Please make all checks payable to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Can Not Attend but you would like to donate, please visit the WTO fundraising page on Pledge the Pink Foundation website and donate. WTO fundraising page can be found at https://donate.
Angela Bossu Wolfe 513-291-0388
World Team Tennis
WTT plays at 5:30 until all matches are finished.
Great Thanks To Our Volunteers
The court #3 sidewalk project has been completed! Another great job from the Court Kings – Chris Scott, Gary Roy, Rick Biethman, and George Walton. A fine job guys!
The SCTA board and membership give their thanks, and folks from other facilities are envious. This is SCTA volunteerism at its best!
Save the Bucket Brigade Date!
Next muster for the Bucket Brigade is Sunday, November 10 at 6:30. We’ll clean nets, sweep courts, attach any loose windscreens, wipe down chairs and seats, and eat doughnuts! Let’s make the courts shine for the Club Championships!
I’ll send out emails as we get closer, and keep a weather eye for a possible rain reschedule. If you would like to be part of this elite group, please email me at
Men’s 3.0 USTA Tennis
The Men’s 3.0 USTA played in Pelham, AL this past weekend. Lots of rain and lots of good tennis! We didn’t take home the championship, but we played as a team and had a good time. Led ably by captains Mike McCombs and Mark McMurtry, the team members are Tom Bloxsom, Larry Byerly, John Harden, Chuck Hasenauer, Dave Kruger, Michael Ryan, Dave Streck, and Jerry Woods.
Please congratulate the players on a great season when you see them, and just wait until next year!
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom, starting at 5 pm.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets will be on sale by court 1 next week, rather than this week.
Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at Menu:
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
The Bluffton Fire Dept. CPR/AED/CHOKING Class
This class will be provided again in January. Notice will be made when the Bluffton Fire Department finalizes the date. Watch for the announcement.
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is Wednesday October 9 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Arrive early to make sure to get a good seat as it is the 10th Annual SCTA Board Talent Show. A new, and highly anticipated entry has been submitted by Mike Ryan. He is dusting off his Abraham Lincoln costume and will recite The Gettysburg Address. Be still my heart. But wait, there’s more, in the next Eblast, to be announced.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
Remind yourself daily that there is no way to happiness, rather happiness is the way.
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
SCTA News – September 13, 2024
Sad News:
We told John’s wife Debi that we would let you all know that there will be a service at Sauls Funeral Home, 90 Simmonsville Road, Bluffton this Sunday, September 15th, at 2:00pm.
John was a valuable member of My Hiking Friends since it started in January 2019. He was always there to support and guide us with his knowledge and experience in choosing and navigating trails. Many are familiar with seeing him walking miles around Sun City preparing for his hikes on the AT.
He loved being in the woods. On our hikes John would tell us that he preferred a slower paced walk in the woods because it is the best way to take in all the beauty on the trail.
His kind and gentle soul will be missed.
Rest in Peace Legionnaire.
SCTA News – September 9, 2024
The SCTA election is fast approaching. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
If you have any questions you may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
- Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
- Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Last Chance to register for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
WTO is hosting Tennis in the Pink on September 28th. Registration ends September 15th. Click on the link to register:
Ribbon of honor and racquet stenciling, minimum donation of $5, will take place at the south courts on the following dates: September 10th, 12th, 14th from 11-2 and September 16th, 18th, and 20th from 10-12:30. Also during this time, WTO will be selling Light for the Cure Lanterns for a minimum donation of $10. Please make all checks payable to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Can Not Attend but you would like to donate, please visit the WTO fundraising page on Pledge the Pink Foundation website and donate. WTO fundraising page can be found at https://donate.
Angela Bossu Wolfe 513-291-0388
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Which tennis player was nicknamed the “Barcelona Bumblebee”?
Arantxa Sanchez Vicario. A very fast correct answer was sent by Ann Marsteller. I delivered two fresh never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls (Patent Pending) the next day. She opened BOTH cans right away to play. I do not ever recommend using two cans at once. It’s just too much people!! So Ann, who is a 3.0, played out of her head. Three days later she went to get retested for rating, and snuck in with some Tyler’s Famous Balls. Yep. You guessed it. She is now a 4.0. Nope, these balls are not yet for sale. The patent is still pending.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets go on sale, Monday, September 2nd from 8:30 am to 11:45 am next to court 1 (weather permitting)…..and before and after the SCTA Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 4th. Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at Menu:
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
The Bluffton Fire Dept. CPR/AED/CHOKING Class
This class will be provided again in January. Notice will be made when the Bluffton Fire Department finalizes the date. Watch for the announcement.
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is Wednesday October 9 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall.
Arrive early to make sure to get a good seat as it is the 10th Annual SCTA Board Talent Show. So far we have Chuck performing “Oh When The Saints Go Marching in” on his accordion, Deb Campbell is tap dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean”, and I am playing Jimmy Hendrix’s Woodstock “Star Spangled Banner” on my air guitar. But wait, there’s more, in the next Eblast, to be announced.
Below find the minutes 9/24 and treasurer’s report (06, 07, 08/2024) from the last meeting.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart”.
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
SCTA eBlast 9/1/2024
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is this Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall. Please see the agenda attached below.
The SCTA Board election is approaching fast. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
Vice President
Director at Large: Ambassadors
Director at Large: Events
If you have any questions you may contact anyone on the nominating committee:
Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward (
Attached below find the job descriptions for each position.
An Apology
The above post was altered in the last two Eblasts without permission. It was embellished with my awkward Southern Californian sense of humor. Both resulted in offending some members. My sincerest heartfelt apologies to them.
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Get Ready for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
WTO to Honor Cindy Vanderberg
Please join us at Tennis in the Pink on September 28th from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. All Suncity women are welcome to join in the morning of fun tennis activities on the south courts. These activities will be run by Gavin Cox and H.S. Memorial Scholarship winners followed by a tennis exhibition at 11:15am.
Event will end in the Pavilion with a luncheon honoring cancer survivors and presentation to 2024 Memorial Scholarship winners. Also, a special presentation to Cindy Vanderberg for her long-standing dedication to the advancement of women’s tennis will take place. All women (players/nonplayers) and men are welcome to attend our luncheon (rain or shine).
Sign up for Tennis in the Pink by filling out the on-line registration:
All money raised will go directly to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Which tennis player was nicknamed the “Barcelona Bumblebee”?
The first correct response to wins either an expired free timeshare presentation in beautiful downtown Bakersfield, California, or two fresh never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls (patent pending).
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets go on sale, Monday, September 2nd from 8:30 am to 11:45 am next to court 1 (weather permitting)…..and before and after the SCTA Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 4th. Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
The Bluffton Fire Dept. CPR/AED/CHOKING Class
This class provided by the Bluffton Fire Department filled quickly. We are attempting to have another in a few months according to the fire department’s schedule. Watch for the announcement.
Logo Building
People are asking why the Logo Building is locked during the day. In the early stages of COVID and as it spread, employees were told to keep the Logo Building locked and service people through the window. The staff found this worked so well, their work space was redesigned during the recent renovation to enable them to service the clientele more efficiently through the windows. The only reason people need to go into the Logo Building is to be trained on the Chelsea system. Having the door locked and serving people from the windows allows the employee to give their attention to the person in front of them and prevents multiple lines from forming. Keeping the door locked also allows the staff person to be more focused on their work.
Men’s And Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
· This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
· This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
· You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
· League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024. Sundays from 12-2 pm.
· To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-46 or ladyd918@aol.
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have any questions. If you are not currently rated, please attend a rating clinic.
3.0 Men’s Intraclub Season Champs
This summer season the 3.0 Men’s Intraclub awarded a trophy to the champs. Big Al Kwiatkowski made and donated the trophy. It will be a traveling trophy which will be awarded to each championship team going forward.
This season’s winner was the White Team Captained by Ross Forbes and Co-Captained by Micky Romeo. See below the attached pictures of the trophy and the team award ceremony which was attended by Chuck Hirsch on behalf of the SCTA and Rich White as the Intraclub Ambassador.
It is our hope that this small award/ceremony brings some meaning to winning the Intraclub Seasons and gives the players a little something to look forward to and build some “bragging rights” upon.- Bob Durst
Rocking on 3!
Another super job from Chris Scott and his hard working team – Gary Roy, Rick Biethman, and George Walton – for their work on the court #3 sidewalk! It’s work like this that keeps our courts in better condition, helps them recover quicker after storms, and improves their looks.
Check it out next time you’re on the south side. Thanks guys!
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
Love is amazing. The more you give it away, the more you have.
Thanks for submitting your contributions to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members. Please forward your favorites to
SCTA Eblast 8/25/2024
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is on Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Pinckney Hall. Please see the agenda attached below.
The SCTA Board election is coming up. The pay is great. The benefits are fantastic. And it’s a lot of fun. It is a bit annoying posing for photographs, kissing babies and signing wet Tshirts, but please consider running for one of the following positions:
Vice President
Director at Large: Ambassadors
Director at Large: Events
You may contact anyone on the nominating committee:
Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward (
Attached below find the job descriptions for each position.
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Get Ready for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
Please join us at Tennis in the Pink on September 28th from 8:30 am to 2 pm. All Sun City women are welcome to join in the morning of fun tennis activities on the south courts. These activities will be run by Gavin Cox and H.S. Memorial Scholarship winners followed by a tennis exhibition at 11:15am.
The event will end in the Pavilion with a luncheon honoring cancer survivors and presentation to 2024 Memorial Scholarship winners. Also, a special presentation to Cindy Vanderberg for her long-standing dedication to the advancement of women’s tennis will take place. All women (players/nonplayers) and men are welcome to attend our luncheon (rain or shine).
Sign up for Tennis in the Pink by filling out the on-line registration:
All money raised will go directly to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Who was the first African American tennis player to win a Grand Slam title?
The answer is Althea Gibson. Althea Neale Gibson was an American tennis player and professional golfer, and one of the first Black athletes to cross the color line of international tennis. In 1956, she became the first African American to win a Grand Slam event. Wikipedia
John Beckley had the first correct answer. I delivered his two fresh never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls (patent pending). He opened them immediately, took in a big full newly opened can breath, and took off for the tennis courts. His wife phoned me three days later and asked if I would come take the dang balls back as he had not yet returned home from the courts. Tyler’s Famous Balls increase the joy of play and are a bit addictive. No returns are permitted at this time however…….
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets go on sale, Monday, September 2nd from 8:30 am to 11:45 am next to court 1 (weather permitting)…..and before and after the SCTA Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 4th. Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
The Bluffton Fire Dept. CPR/AED/CHOKING Class
Offered Thursday, September 26th, at 1:00pm in the Pavillion. If you want to sign up for this class, please send an email to: with your name and phone number (in case there are changes).
This is a free “Friends and Family” class to get everyone familiar with what to do in the event of an emergency. There is no cost, but a jar will be available at the class for a voluntary donation should you choose to the Bluffton Fire Department. The class is limited to 25 attendees, so don’t wait too long to sign up.- Carolyn Walton
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
· This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
· This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
· You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
· League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024. Sundays from 12-2 pm.
· To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-46 or ladyd918@aol.
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this. If you are not currently rated, please attend a rating clinic.
Searching For Life’s Meaning Off The Court
Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery,
But Today is a Gift,
If you would like to contribute to the blissful well being of your fellow tennis members please forward your favorites to
SCTA News – August 18, 2024
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is on Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Purrysburg. See attached.
The SCTA election is just over 3 months away. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
You may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
Club Championship
The Club Championship will be played from Monday November 11th thru Sunday November 17th. Play will begin each day at 12 pm. There will be matches played until 4 pm or later as necessary.
Men’s and Women’s play will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the semis on Saturday and the finals on Sunday.
Mixed play will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with the Semis on Saturday and the Finals on Sunday.
Registration starts October 1st and closes November 1st. – Brett Robertson
Get Ready for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
Tennis in the Pink Registration is now open
Sign up for Tennis in the Pink by filling out the on-line registration:
All Suncity women are welcome to join in the morning of fun tennis activities starting at 8:30am on the south courts. These activities will be run by Gavin Cox and H.S. scholarship winners followed by a tennis exhibition at 11:15am.
A new fundraising event this year is the “Bling a Bra” decorating contest. For a minimum donation of $50 your decorated entry will be hung on the courts. Contact your team Captain or Intraclub Coordinator for more information.
All women (players/nonplayers) and men are welcome to attend our luncheon (rain or shine) at the Pavilion starting at noon where we will honor cancer survivors and present award certificates to the Memorial Scholarship winners. All money raised will go directly to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Angela Bossu Wolfe 513-291-0388
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Who was the first African American tennis player to win a Grand Slam title?
Please respond to The first correct answer will win either a real imitation used pair of Nadal socks or two fresh never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls (patent pending).
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Tickets go on sale, Monday, September 2nd from 8:30 am to 11:45 am next to court 1 (weather permitting)…..and before and after the SCTA Board Meeting on Wednesday, September 4th. Tickets are $40 pp, payable by check (to SCTA), cash or cam card. Questions?? Contact Carolyn Walton at Menu:
Green salad with choice of dressings
Australia: BBQ shrimp and Lamb Chops
USA: NY Hot Dogs with all the fixings and Cheesecake
France: Beef Stew with vegetables
England: Tea sandwiches and Strawberries and cream
The Bluffton Fire Dept. CPR/AED/CHOKING Class
Offered Thursday, September 26th, at 1:00pm in the Pavillion. If you want to sign up for this class, please send an email to: with your name and phone number (in case there are changes). This is a free “Friends and Family” class to get everyone familiar with what to do in the event of an emergency. There is no cost, but a jar will be available at the class for a voluntary donation should you choose to the Bluffton Fire Department. The class is limited to 25 attendees, so don’t wait too long to sign up.- Carolyn Walton crlynwalton@yahoo.
Mixed 2.5-3.0 Combo League
Sundays at 2 pm. Details to follow after we get signups.
If you are interested, please sign up below ASAP.
The deadline for signing up is Aug 15, so don’t delay!
Sign Up for XD 2.5-3.0 Combo League
The form includes some details of the league. If you still have
questions, contact : Robert Pandescia 860-417-9700
The Fall Lottery
The Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
· This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
· This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
· You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
· League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
· To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-946 or ladyd918@
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this. If you are not currently rated, please attend a rating clinic.
2024 Printed Directories
Printed directories are available at the Logo Building for all SCTA members. One per individual member.
Please Protect Our Rain Soaked Courts
Playing on a wet court isn’t only dangerous, but it actually damages the court surface and requires repair. Please don’t play on a wet court.
And because it takes time to gather the Ball Machine balls and put the unit away, be extra careful to allow the necessary time it requires before it starts to rain hard. Please try to error on the side of caution if it begins to sprinkle, or rain clouds are preparing overhead.
We understand there is no perfect science to this, and thus appreciate your efforts. Thanks.
Please Cancel Your Reserved Court
If you cannot make your reserved tennis please cancel the reservation on Chelsea, or if it is last minute call the Logo building. Everyone appreciates the effort. Thanks.
A Grateful Member
A member stopped me the other day to tell me how impressed and thankful she was to play tennis here. She had been playing tennis at the North courts and inadvertently left her tennis bag and rackets courtside. Much later that day she received a phone call from the Logo building that her tennis items had all been turned in for her to pick up. She was so relieved and grateful.
We do have a wonderful membership.
SCTA News – August 11, 2024
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is on Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Purrysburg.
The SCTA election is just over 3 months away. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
You may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
World Team Tennis
We need more men to sign up at the 3.0 and 3.5 levels. And more 4.0 women. Come on members, let’s get at least a few more players please.
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms.
These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
Get Ready for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
Tennis in the Pink Registration is now open
Sign up for Tennis in the Pink by filling out the on-line registration:
All Suncity women are welcome to join in the morning of fun tennis activities starting at 8:30am on the south courts. These activities will be run by Gavin Cox and H.S. scholarship winners followed by a tennis exhibition at 11:15am.
A new fundraising event this year is the “Bling a Bra” decorating contest. For a minimum donation of $50 your decorated entry will be hung on the courts. Contact your team Captain or Intraclub Coordinator for more information.
All women (players/nonplayers) and men are welcome to attend our luncheon (rain or shine) at the Pavilion starting at noon where we will honor cancer survivors and present award certificates to the Memorial Scholarship winners. All money raised will go directly to Pledge the Pink Foundation.
Angela Bossu Wolfe 513-291-0388
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
What was the first year that Wimbledon used a tiebreak to decide the winner of a set?
The first correct answer was provided by none other than Tom Litke. The answer was 1971. Tom was delivered his two fresh never opened cans of Tyler’s Famous Balls. Tom opened one and played that very day. He is saving the second to send to his great Uncle Tomaso Litke so of Naples, Italy for Christmas (you can’t get Tyler’s Balls in Italy yet). Tom now says he plans to dominate the Club Championship, but is insisting the coordinators use Tyler’s Famous Balls. I am presently in delicate negotiations with the Championship coordinators.
Mixed 2.5-3.0 Combo League
Sundays at 2 pm. Details to follow after we get signups. If you are interested, please sign up below ASAP.
The deadline for signing up is Aug 15, so don’t delay! Sign Up for XD 2.5-3.0 Combo League
The form includes some details of the league. If you still have questions, contact : Robert Pandescia 860-417-9700
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or ladyd918@
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our IntracCub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this.
If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on August 10th.
3.0 Men’s Intraclub
Bob Owen and Bob Durst are the Commissioners for 3.0 Men’s Intraclub. They are currrently signing guys up for the Fall Session. If you are interested, please Email Bob Durst ( or Bob Owen ( THE DEADLINE FOR SIGNUPS IS 8/5.
Rating Type In Our Membership Directory
The board continues to work on a better system for player ratings and rating types. We do not yet have a final version. Upon completion it will offer players options to choose from as to how they might wish to get or change their rating and/or rating type. We have begun updating our membership directory as to individual player’s rating types (self, USTA, etc.). We anticipate some players will have questions. Please take a look at your entry in the online directory, in case it has changed, and make sure you’re in agreement with it. If you disagree, please reach out to Michael Sacks – for help resolving it. Thanks for your patience.
2024 Printed Directories
Printed directories are available at the Logo Building for all SCTA members. One per member not one per household.
Thanking Our Volunteers
After Debbie drenched us all, the courts were up and running by 12 noon the following day. Simply amazing. Great thanks to our bucket brigade. Chris Scott, George Walton, Gary Roy and rick Biethman. Please thank them for all their hard work when you see them out there.
And now with new grass laid down, a new sprinkler system, new pine straw, more drains in place, more rock areas for drainage and run off, dead plants gone, new ones installed….. we simply have the finest facility anywhere around.
A big thank you to Janie Parrish and the Greenery crew, Tab and the CA in general, and to Chris Scott for his time, effort and funds to stay on top of all of this over time for the resultant beautiful finished product.
SCTA News – August 4, 2024
SCTA Board Meeting
The next board meeting is on Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 pm in the Edisto room at Purrysburg.
The SCTA election is just over 3 months away. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
You may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
World Team Tennis
We need more men to sign up at the 3.0 and 3.5 levels. Come on guys, the ladies are really showing you up!
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms.
These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
Get Ready for TENNIS IN THE PINK – Hosted by WTO
Tennis in the Pink Registration is coming up. All women are welcome to join in the morning of fun tennis activities run by Gavin Cox. Several of the H.S. scholarship winners will be helping and participating in a tennis exhibition. All women (players/nonplayers/guests) and men are welcome to join our luncheon where we will honor cancer survivors and present award certificates to the Memorial Scholarship winners.
Registration for TENNIS IN THE PINK opens on August 15-September 15. See the attached flyer below.
Angela Bossu Wolfe 513-291-0388
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
What was the first year that Wimbledon used a tiebreak to decide the winner of a set? The first correct answer will win either a gym sweat towel borrowed from a Hyatt or two fresh cans of Tyler’s famous balls.
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or ladyd918@
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our IntracCub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this.
If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on August 10th. (NOTE – on previous eBlasts, I had the incorrect date for the clinic)
3.0 Men’s Intraclub
Bob Owen and Bob Durst are the Commissioners for 3.0 Men’s Intraclub. They are currrently signing guys up for the Fall Session. If you are interested, please Email Bob Durst ( or Bob Owen ( THE DEADLINE FOR SIGNUPS IS 8/5.
Public Tennis Needs Coaches and Helpers
Hello tennis players! Here are some specific volunteer coaching opportunities with Public Tennis for the upcoming Fall season. We really mean it when we say no experience is required – a high level of tennis skill is not required to be a successful coach in our elementary school and Special Olympics programs! We will be training volunteer coaches on Sunday August 25 at 1:30 (Zoom “classroom” session) and Saturday September 21 at 1:30 PM (on court skills training at Bluffton High School). Note that training is mainly focused on Special Olympics, but applies to elementary school coaching as well. See attached flyer
We need volunteers for the following:
Special Olympics Tennis Clinics (weekly, typically 6 sessions total)
- Special Olympics Tennis for Bluffton High School at the Bluffton High School courts Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:30, starting September 26
- Special Olympics Tennis for McCracken MS at the Bluffton High School courts
- Mondays, 10:00 – 11:00, starting September 23
- Special Olympics Tennis for May River High School at the May River High School courts Tuesdays, 1:00 – 2:00, starting September 24
- Special Olympics Tennis for Hardeeville/Ridgeland Schools at the Hardeeville School courts Fridays, 1:00 – 2:00, starting September 27 (preliminary, day/time subject to change)
- [[Note that we also have Special Olympics programs in Beaufort and Hilton Head if you’re interested in those locations!]]
Elementary School Introduction to Tennis:
“Introduction to Tennis” (in PE Class) at various Hilton Head, Bluffton and Beaufort Elementary Schools – Dates and schools TBA, please let us know if this interests you!
In all cases, if you’re interested, please send your name and your interest via text message to 843-310-6080. Thank you!
Public Tennis Inc.
Wayne Lilley, Executive Director, Public Tennis Inc.,, 978-571-1475
Rating Type In Our Membership Directory
The board continues to work on a better system for player ratings and rating types. We do not yet have a final version. Upon completion it will offer players options to choose from as to how they might wish to get or change their rating and/or rating type. We have begun updating our membership directory as to individual player’s rating types (self, USTA, etc.). We anticipate some players will have questions. Please take a look at your entry in the online directory, in case it has changed, and make sure you’re in agreement with it. If you disagree, please reach out to Michael Sacks – for help resolving it. Thanks for your patience.
Hidden in Hilton Head
Hmmmmm. No usage of any turn signals. Traveling at speeds 10 miles per hour under the posted speed limit. Lane wandering as if drunk. Stopping the vehicle to talk in the middle of the street. For those of you trying to find my undisclosed location out on Hilton Head I use for secretly writing the Eblasts and storage of mass quantities of Tyler’s famous balls, good luck. I can spot Sun City drivers miles away……
Logo Building Reminder
Please do not approach the player’s bench area, or use it to store your gear, before the court changeover time. Thanks so much for your courtesy.
2024 Printed Directories
Printed directories are available at the Logo Building for all SCTA members. One per member not one per household.
Thanking Our Volunteers
You know that deluge of rain we had the other night? You know first thing the next morning the courts were open? Yep. Please thank Chris Scott and his gang, Mike Ryan and his gang, and Gavin and his crew. What a great facility we have to play in.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Food: BBQ shrimp and lamb chops, strawberries and cream, cucumber sandwiches, beef stew, NYC hot dogs with all the fixings, and cake.
$40 per person. More information is on the way. – Carolyn Walton
SCTA News – July 28, 2024
The SCTA election is just over 3 months away. Please consider running for one of the following positions:
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Ambassadors
- Director at Large: Events
You may contact anyone on the nominating committee: Debbie Ward, Mark Vosburgh, Becky Nesta, Milt Neuman, Joanne Patterson, Paul Wright.
Short bios should be sent to Debbie Ward ( Attached find the job descriptions for each position.
World Team Tennis
We need more men to sign up at the 3.0 and 3.5 levels. Come on guys, the ladies are really showing you up!
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms.
These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Prior to Andy Murray, who was the last British tennis player to win the Men’s Wimbledon Championship? This was correctly answered by Ron Muenz. Fred Perry. He chose to receive two cans of Tyler’s famous balls. Ron has since told me all his shirts are fitting tighter in the biceps and chest regions. Man he’s looking fantastic! Watch for the next tennis trivia and answer quickly.
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or ladyd918@
IntraClub League for Fall 2024: Calling All 2.5 Women
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play friendly, fun, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. We will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please select this link and complete the form to register for the league.
Send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this.
If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on August 10th. (NOTE – on previous eBlasts, I had the incorrect date for the clinic)
3.0 Men’s Intraclub
Bob Owen and Bob Durst are the Commissioners for 3.0 Men’s Intraclub. They are currrently signing guys up for the Fall Session. If you are interested, please Email Bob Durst ( or Bob Owen ( THE DEADLINE FOR SIGNUPS IS 8/5.
Public Tennis Needs Coaches and Helpers
Hello tennis players! Here are some specific volunteer coaching opportunities with Public Tennis for the upcoming Fall season. We really mean it when we say no experience is required – a high level of tennis skill is not required to be a successful coach in our elementary school and Special Olympics programs! We will be training volunteer coaches on Sunday August 25 at 1:30 (Zoom “classroom” session) and Saturday September 21 at 1:30 PM (on court skills training at Bluffton High School). Note that training is mainly focused on Special Olympics, but applies to elementary school coaching as well. See attached flyer
We need volunteers for the following:
Special Olympics Tennis Clinics (weekly, typically 6 sessions total)
- Special Olympics Tennis for Bluffton High School at the Bluffton High School courts Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:30, starting September 26
- Special Olympics Tennis for McCracken MS at the Bluffton High School courts
- Mondays, 10:00 – 11:00, starting September 23
- Special Olympics Tennis for May River High School at the May River High School courts Tuesdays, 1:00 – 2:00, starting September 24
- Special Olympics Tennis for Hardeeville/Ridgeland Schools at the Hardeeville School courts Fridays, 1:00 – 2:00, starting September 27 (preliminary, day/time subject to change)
- [[Note that we also have Special Olympics programs in Beaufort and Hilton Head if you’re interested in those locations!]]
Elementary School Introduction to Tennis:
“Introduction to Tennis” (in PE Class) at various Hilton Head, Bluffton and Beaufort Elementary Schools – Dates and schools TBA, please let us know if this interests you!
In all cases, if you’re interested, please send your name and your interest via text message to 843-310-6080. Thank you!
Public Tennis Inc.
Wayne Lilley, Executive Director, Public Tennis Inc.,, 978-571-1475
Rating Type In Our Membership Directory
The board continues to work on a better system for player ratings and rating types. We do not yet have a final version. Upon completion it will offer players options to choose from as to how they might wish to get or change their rating and/or rating type. We have begun updating our membership directory as to individual player’s rating types (self, USTA, etc.). We anticipate some players will have questions. Please take a look at your entry in the online directory, in case it has changed, and make sure you’re in agreement with it. If you disagree, please reach out to Michael Sacks – for help resolving it. Thanks for your patience.
Hidden in Hilton Head
For those of you trying to find my undisclosed location out on Hilton Head I use for secretly writing the Eblasts, good luck. I can spot Sun City drivers miles away……
Thanking Our Volunteers
You know that deluge of rain we had the other night? You know first thing the next morning the courts were open? Yep. Please thank Chris Scott and his gang, Mike Ryan and his gang, and Gavin and his crew. What a great facility we have to play in.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Food: BBQ shrimp and lamb chops, strawberries and cream, cucumber sandwiches, beef stew, NYC hot dogs with all the fixings, and cake.
$40 per person. More information is on the way. – Carolyn Walton
SCTA News – July 22, 2024
In just the last few days I have seen two players have to lie down on the bleachers and get iced and hydrated. Please don’t push yourself beyond that first dizziness and/or nausea. Take that little bit of extra time to rest and cool down. Drink that extra water. Take those electrolytes. And be patient and caring with your fellow players.
In other words, live to play another day…….
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
Prior to Andy Murray, who was the last British tennis player to win the Men’s Wimbledon Championship?
The first correct answer wins either a free Napolitano pizza (you just have to get to Naples) or two cans of Tyler’s famous balls.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Food: BBQ shrimp and lamb chops, strawberries and cream, cucumber sandwiches, beef stew, NYC hot dogs with all the fixings, and cake.
$40 per person. More information is on the way.- Carolyn Walton
World Team Tennis
We need more men to sign up at the 3.0 and 3.5 levels. Come on guys, the ladies are really showing you up!
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms.
These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or ladyd918@
2.5 Women’s Fall Intraclub League
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play fun, amiable, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
There is a slight emphasis on having fun, but we do take our tennis pretty seriously. Throughout the season, we strive to support one another in raising the quality of our game.
Please send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this. Also, select this link and complete the form to express your interest in playing in the league.
As the commencement date approaches, more details will be released and registration will happen. If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on July 13th or August 2nd.
Please Be Cool And Cancel
I was reminded by a fellow SCTA member of one of their, and my pet peeves. Not cancelling a ball machine reservation. Granted, it’s not cool to not cancel a tennis court reservation period. But we have only one Ball Machine. Please call in and cancel so another player may use it. Thanks so much for your courtesy.
Thanking Our Volunteers
Please remember to thank our members who step up to coordinate a league and/or captain a team. Thank Steve Sandike for all his hard work and skills at organizing and running everything. Thank the board members for the efforts and time they put in. Please, do not thank me. I just have fun writing this silly newsletter. I do it from a hidden site on Hilton Head, and it gets me out of the house.- Tyler.
Here’s to all the brave members out there playing tennis in the heat and humidity. May you always have plentiful water and electrolytes.
SCTA News – July 15, 2024
Two players I have been playing with in this heat and humidity have suffered reactions and had to quit. Even though they were well hydrated. I hydrate before, during and after matches and still need to take extra break time in between games on occasion when I get a little dizzy or nauseated. Please be careful out there and look into body cooling systems that are available to athletes in this heat. Please stop if you need to. We are all OK with that, and much prefer that to watching EMTs treat you. Thanks.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
I apologize for this last Trivia question. What is the maximum allowed time for a toilet break during a Grand Slam match?
It literally had multiple answers from multiple sources. Hmmmmmm. Who knew. Information on the internet is not always correct. The first “correct” answer was provided by Jack Wolf. He won two fresh cans of Tyler’s famous balls. Jack says his tennis bag has never smelled this beautiful.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! The party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Food: BBQ shrimp and lamb chops, strawberries and cream, cucumber sandwiches, beef stew, NYC hot dogs with all the fixings, and cake.
$40 per person. More information is on the way.- Carolyn Walton
World Team Tennis
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms. These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
Capital Improvement Projects Committee
The board is establishing a CIP committee to look into and prepare for capital improvement projects that may become necessary, or are desired, for the SCTA and our facility. Also being investigated are ways to raise funds for such projects. Dane Petchul is heading this up and is looking for a few more volunteers to work on this. Particularly men or women at the 3.0 and 3.5 levels.
If you have interest in sharing your ideas and working on new ones please contact Dane at
WTO – Save the Date – Tennis is the Pink is Back
The WTO will be hosting Tennis in the Pink on September 28th at the south courts. Money raised will go to Pledge the Pink Foundation. We will have fun tennis activities during the morning starting at 8:30am followed by a lunch and HS scholarship awards presentation at noon at the Pavilion. Keep your eye open for opportunities to get your racquet stenciled and purchase TIP ribbons. Registration begins on August 15th.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024 Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or ladyd918@
2.5 Women’s Fall Intraclub League
If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play fun, amiable, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon. The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January.
There is a slight emphasis on having fun, but we do take our tennis pretty seriously. Throughout the season, we strive to support one another in raising the quality of our game.
Please send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this. Also, select this link and complete the form to express your interest in playing in the league.
As the commencement date approaches, more details will be released and registration will happen. If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on July 13th or August 2nd.
Green Team Win!
Thanks to the efforts of Chris Scott, and due to a meeting he had with the Director of Common Areas and The Greenery, SCTA members will reap the benefit of some big initiatives!
The area in front of the Logo building will have old material removed, topsoil added, and new Zoysia grass.
The area in front of court 6 & 7 (where the sidewalk is a muddy mess after storms) will have excess material removed, new topsoil added, and new Zoysia grass.
The Community Association is purchasing 2 ton of small river rock to be used for the left side of sidewalk on court 3.
In several other areas bushes will be removed or cut back, and new sod put down.
This is a HUGE win for SCTA! Our courts and areas are looking great and getting better. Please thank Chris if you see him around the courts. And if you’re one of the nattering nabobs of negativism, walk on by. – Michael Ryan, Ombudsman
Proper Clay Court Shoes
Wear as fancy and colorful a tennis shoe as you like, but if it’s not a correct clay court type, please don’t wear them on our courts. Only clay court tennis shoes should be worn. These are shoes that have a light tread and a general herringbone pattern. Other shoes can damage our courts, such as running shoes or trainers. The heavily patterned deep tread will carve up our courts. This was brought up by a concerned SCTA member who noticed the results after a USTA match.
USTA captains, Intraclub captains, and social group leaders – please ensure tennis shoes are being used by your players and your opponents. We have pictures around the courts showing correct shoes. Thanks for helping keep our courts in top shape!
Wall of Fame
We have SCTA members that have volunteered to serve on the WoF committee. Thank you for helping our community! Please return the confirmation email that was sent to you, and let’s get this party started! If you haven’t received a confirmation email, please contact Michael directly at or (517) 304-4761. Email will be key for coordination.
Thanking Our Volunteers
Chris Scott, Gary Roy, and Rick Biethman derserve very special accolades for all they have achieved out on and around our courts and facilities. Hours and hours of very hard work, and their own funding of many special projects. Mike Ryan and his crew as well have done fantastic work to keep our courts in great shape. Make sure you give these guys their hard earned thanks. Unfortunately they have to put up with some uncalled for grief on occassion. What a shame. Thanks so much guys. We appreciate you all.
And let’s thank our members who step up to coordinate a league and/or captain a team. Both take time and effort and increase the awesome play we have available to members. Thanks to all our members who make our tennis association so fantastic.- Tyler.
Here’s to all the brave members out there playing tennis in the heat and humidity. May you always have plentiful water and electrolytes.
SCTA News – July 7, 2024
Here’s to all the brave members out there playing tennis in the heat and humidity. May you always have plentiful water and electrolytes.
Tyler’s Tennis Trivia
What is the maximum allowed time for a toilet break during a Grand Slam match?
The first correct answer wins either a free five minute session in the jacuzzi at Perrysburg or two cans of Tyler’s famous balls.
Grand Slam Tennis Dinner Dance
Get your dancing shoes on players! Party is Saturday evening, October 12th in the Pinckney Ballroom.
Serving food from Australia, France, the USA and England. Live music from The Duane Damiani band. Casual attire. Bring your own drinks (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Food: BBQ shrimp and lamb chops
Strawberries and cream
Cucumber sandwiches
Beef stew
NYC hot dogs with all the fixings
$40 per person. More information is on the way.- Carolyn Walton
World Team Tennis
Fall World Team Tennis leagues are forming with three different levels: 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0.
There will be early evening play from Sep 12 to Nov 7, on Thursdays @ 5:30pm. Three matches per team: WD, MD, and XD. The number of teams and size per team will be determined by the number of signups we get. Coordinators and captains will be needed for each level, so the signup form includes a question if you would be willing to take on one of these positions. Can’t run the league without them.
There are two files (PDF) attached below. One is for signing up, and the other includes detailed rules.
Open the “Signup” PDF and click the link for the level you would like to play.
Sign up deadline is Aug 11, after which teams will be formed and courts assigned. If we have a flood of sign-ups over the capacity of our limited number of courts, the signup form will be closed and names added to the sub list.- Steve Sandike.
Fall 2024 Signups are available on our web page, under Leagues/Schedules/Forms > Sign Up Forms.
These include the normal fall lottery requests and info/signing up for World Team Tennis Leagues.
The Fall Lottery
While we are still running the summer mixed and combo leagues, the Fall Lottery will be Aug 22 at Hidden Cypress, 6 pm. In addition to standard lottery courts, the Fall League will include the new BBTL leagues (50+/60+/70+). You can request a link to a registration file on our website (www.sctatennis.
WTO – Save the Date – Tennis is the Pink is Back
The WTO will be hosting Tennis in the Pink on September 28th at the south courts. Money raised will go to Pledge the Pink Foundation. We will have fun tennis activities during the morning starting at 8:30am followed by a lunch and HS scholarship awards presentation at noon at the Pavilion. Keep your eye open for opportunities to get your racquet stenciled and purchase TIP ribbons. Registration begins on August 15th.
Men’s and Women’s Fall Rookie League
Are you new to Tennis or just getting back to it after years away? The SCTA Rookie Tennis League is perfect for you!
- This League is for beginner, novice, 2.0 and 2.5 players.
- This is a social league for men and women, with the emphasis on practicing doubles in a fun, pressure free environment.
- You must be a member of the Sun City Tennis Association to participate.
- League will start September 8, 2024 and end December 22, 2024
Sundays from 12-2PM
- To sign up to play, call Donna Baumwell at 843-707-1946 or
2.5 Women’s Fall IntraClub League
All 2.5 Women If you are 2.5 club-rated, we’d love to have you play in our Intraclub League. We play enjoyable, amiable, and mildly competitive matches every Monday at noon.
The season runs from September 9 to the beginning of January. Though there is a slight emphasis on having fun, we do take our tennis pretty seriously. So throughout the season, we will strive to support one another in raising our game.
Please send me, Karen Eldred, an email at if you have ANY questions about any of this. Also, kindly select the link in the PDF below and complete the form to express your interest in playing in the league. As the commencement date approaches, further details will be released and registration will happen. If you are not currently rated, please attend the rating clinic on July 13th or August 2nd.
Thanking Our Volunteers
Chris Scott and his crew have been working hard fixing drainage and improving the court’s appearance and longevity at and around court #3. It’s a big project and will take some time. Please thank them when you see them.
Let’s also remember to thank our members who step up to coordinate a league and/or captain a team. Both take time and effort and increase the awesome play we have available to members. Thanks to all our members who make our tennis association so fantastic.- Tyler.