Question (March 2019) – I submit a request for a 9am court every week. Why do I get overflow so often?
Answer – First, SCTA has no control over morning courts. The community manages all morning court reservations through the Chelsea system. Second, 9am is a very popular playing time. Currently, there are 13 courts available for play at 9am. Along with your request, there were approximately 23 other requests for a court at the same time. You might consider more options in your playing time or including friends who do not play very often. Chelsea gives preference to groups containing players who use the courts less frequently.
Question (February 2019) – How do I submit a work order for tennis court problems?
Answer – Follow these procedures:
To submit your request, please email Include your contact information and as much detail about the issue as possible (you may even include a photo). Please copy Brad Buck, SCTA Ombudsman, at so that he may keep a record of all work orders and follow up to resolution.
Question (February 2019) – How do I access the online SCTA Membership Directory?
Answer – A current, printer-friendly, version of the directory can be found on the SCHHCA website. You must use your CAM login, then select “Club & Groups,” “Sports,” “Tennis Association,” scroll down to bottom of page and select “Membership Directory” under the Documents section.
Question (February 2019) – How do I reserve the ball machine?
Answer – The ball machine is available for use by all residents who have completed orientation, which is held on the first Saturday each month at 12:30-1:30pm on Court 4. Register in the Logo Building. Once you have completed orientation, submit a ball machine request through the Chelsea system.
Question (January 2019) – My friend is a tennis player and he is coming to visit. Can he play on our courts and what are the restrictions for guests?
Answer – Your friend is welcome to play as long as he is accompanied on the court by a resident. There are no time restrictions and no guest fees charged but you will need to submit a court request through the Chelsea system.
Question (June-2016) – Why can’t a member leave their CAM card as a deposit for the ball machine key? This would help encourage members to put the ball machine away and identify those who don’t.
Answer – The Community rules state that members are not to give their card to anyone and could be a liability issue.
Question (Mar-2016) – I don’t know how to reserve a court through the Chelsea system. I don’t know how it works and I am getting frustrated. Can you help me?
Answer – You are not alone. It might seem hard at first, but you will get the hang of it. The first thing you need to do is go to the Logo Building (located just behind court 5) and register for Chelsea. You will need your CAM card. If you haven’t already, pick up the instruction sheet on making a reservation request through Chelsea from the Logo Building. You may also make a reservation request through Chelsea Tennis by internet or by phone at 843-705-6234.
Question (Mar-2016) – Is the current SCTA Directory available in Adobe pdf format?
Answer– Yes. Log in to the internal SCHHCA web page. Browse to [Community Groups], then browse to [Tennis Association]. On the Tennis Association internal web page browse to [Documents] (bottom right) then select [SCTA_Directory]. Select the directory PDF file for download. The electronic version of the SCTA directory is updated monthly where the printed version is yearly.
Question (Feb-2016) – I am new to Sun City. Back home, I am a 3.5 player and would like some information on how to get started playing here. Can you help or direct me to someone who can.
Answer – Welcome to Sun City! We have quite a bit of tennis here. We have 14 har-tru courts. The best way to start is to contact one of our SCTA Tennis Ambassadors.
Question (Jan-2016) – What should happen when a USTA league runs over the allotted time.
Answer – (SCTA President) If a USTA match is running late, players that are booked next on that court need to wait for the match end. Now….. I have been captain many times and I tell my team to take only a 10-minute warm up and 90-second change over. You have heard me say this especially during the Fall Classic when we are pressed for time. Matches need to move along and it’s the captains who are responsible for this. A captain can be proactive. For example, when I know one of my teams is running over, I go over to that court to make sure that I greet the people coming on next to explain what is happening. I also check to see if there might be an empty court available for the waiting players. It’s courteous and also lets the team who has been playing their hearts out for two hours concentrate only on the match and not get distracted.
Question (Jan-2016) – Why does the USTA get priority over all the courts. I pay my Association Fee just like everybody else and I get put on overflow when I use Chelsea. It’s not fair. There are a lot of us who feel the same way. The SCTA better fix this!
Answer – I read your email. There is a misconception that the SCTA runs and operates our tennis courts. This is not true. We do not. The SCTA is given courts by the Community Association only in the afternoon starting at 12noon and not all the courts to use by our members for social groups, IntraClub and Interclub, and USTA matches. We have nothing to do with reserving courts through Chelsea. That reservation system is run through the Community Association under Cherie Bronksy. It (Chelsea) runs every night and places players on court in a totally random fashion. It is designed to do so. Again, the SCTA does not operate nor has anything to do with reserving courts through Chelsea. Anyone can put in a reservation or book an open court after Chelsea runs. It doesn’t involve us. That misconception is out there and it is incorrect. Please direct your concern about this to Cherie Bronsky. I hope this can be of help. If I want a court I put in for a reservation like anybody else and sometimes I get placed on overflow as well. Please take this up with the Community Association as, again, we are not in charge of assigning any tennis courts through the Chelsea System. Also, you may want to refer to Enhancing Your Chances found on this website under the Documents/Board Document tab.
Question (Dec 2015) – How do I get qualified on the ball machine so I can use it?
Answer – You must have attended the ball machine orientation in order to reserve a court for its use. Orientation is held the first Saturday of each month @ 12:30pm. Once you complete the orientation, you can reserve the court for ball machine usage by calling the Logo building or submit a Request in the Chelsea reservation system.
Question (Dec-2015) – Where are the court light switches located?
Answer – The switches are located on the south side of the Logo building to the left of the Men’s restroom and directly adjacent to the First Aid kit mounted on the wall. If you are the last scheduled match for the evening and no one is playing on the shared court (referenced on the switch cover), then please ensure the lights are turned off upon leaving.